Meeting Announcement: Complete Streets – How Do We Get There From Here?
join Livable Memphis and the MidSouth Complete Streets Coalition at a public
meeting to give your valuable input on why you want safer, more accessible
streets, and how we can get there.
Active Transportation Alliance, our consultants on this project will
demonstrate of how Complete Streets strategies can be used in locally. Complete
Streets safely accommodate all users and serve a variety of modes –– each
prioritized based on need and context. Memphis is committed to Complete
Streets, and a Design Manual is the roadmap we will use to get there.
will learn:
- What is a Complete Streets Design Manual and why does Memphis need one?
- Who ultimately decides how streets and public spaces are designed?
- What are the obstacles to building great streets that are safe, accessible and meet the needs of the community? Is it cost, design standards or process?
- How does this effort relate to our Regional Greenprint Plan?
will take a closer look at some Memphis-specific projects to investigate:
- How were design decisions made for some recent street renovation projects? How did that “project delivery process” give us the roadways we have today? How can we do things differently in the future?
- Would a Complete Streets Design Manual help incorporate Complete Streets strategies into their designs?
- Let’s see how Complete Streets Strategies could be incorporated into the Memphis Heritage Trail – a historically significant route through the heart of downtown.
When: Wednesday February
19, 5:30-7:30pm
Where: 1548 Poplar Ave.
Memphis TN 38014. In the Memphis Leadership Foundation building across from the
Home Depot in Midtown.
Who: Anyone interested in safe,
accessible streets
Details: Free and open to
the public – REGISTRATION REQUIRED! Pizza and refreshments provided courtesy of
Self+Tucker Architects.