Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Mayor Wharton signs the Memphis Complete Streets Executive Order!

Mayor Wharton recently signed the Memphis Complete Streets Policy as an Executive Order! This is great news: it means that from here on out, our streets will be designed and retrofitted to accommodate all user. We will post a link to the official executive order once it's on the City's website.

Here is a photo of Mayor Wharton signing the order. 

Call to Action:
Please take a few minutes to send Mayor Wharton a thank you. Send him an email at AC.Wharton@memphistn.gov. Use your own words or use this draft as a guide:

Dear Mayor Wharton, 
Thank you for signing the Memphis Complete Streets Policy Executive Order. I'm so proud of you for being a champion for safe streets that accommodate all users. While I frequently drive my car, I am also a pedestrian, cyclist and transit user. I am eager for streets that provide me with many safe and pleasant options for how to get around.
I'd like to walk, bike, or take transit to ____________________ more often. Complete Streets will make it easier for me to get there. Thank you again for encouraging a vibrant street life, providing healthy lifestyle choices and making Memphis more livable.

A special THANK YOU to all of the members of the Policy Development Team for all of your hard work in drafting the order. 

Next steps: creating the Street Design Manual....stay tuned!

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